Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eating Down the Fridge, Days 6 and 7: Conclusion

Note, again: To those of you reading in an RSS feed, I am so sorry. I am working hard to get a proper site up and running. Should be within the next week or so. Bear with me, and click through to the site if the text in the feed is too large/too small/too WTF. Mea culpa.

EDtF, Days 6 and 7.

While I did not fall completely off the wagon, let's just say that Saturday derailed me a bit more than I liked.

Wagons, trains...whatever.

I am pleased to announce that excepting the few items I picked up on Saturday (goodies from App Vintner, some produce from Amazing Savings, peanut butter) I have not set foot in a grocery store this week, either.

And I did in fact make pork and sauerkraut on Sunday.
But the idea to take a picture only hit after the deliciousness was in my stomach.
I'm sorry.

Monday was leftovers, so no interesting recipes or ideas to report.

A lackluster conclusion to something I was gung-ho about nearly all the way through.

Participating in Eating Down the Fridge did serve as a check for me, a realization of how much food I had "just laying around." It showed me that I need to rethink my shopping habits, and can probably reduce my grocery bill without too much effort. The reality is, I went two weeks on less than $30 worth of groceries. The intentionality of EDtF is something I would like to recreate every three months.

Added bonus: what I save in groceries, I can make up for in wine. I've yet to get to the point where I have enough wine on hand to justify a wine rack. I'd like to change that.

I appreciated the opportunity to participate in something that brought an awareness, to myself and others. A few people have mentioned being grateful for the kick start to look in their own pantries and fridges to see what they have "just laying around."

So thank you.

See Monday's entry for the total list of food used up from my fridge.

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